Naka kor gi ? Yaangiy war ?
Laaj nga mbotta geen= You ask for the tail of a frog. Or, you ask for the impossible.
Or, more relevantly, to ask a non-Muslim Toubab to go without water or food until sundown for thirty days in triple digit heat is to ask for the impossible.
We’re in the swing of Ramadan, and this place looks like a ghost town. I am eating like a good Catholic, despite constant encouragement to fast like a good Muslim. My little brother, Fallou, has been scolding me for not praying with them. Don’t all fall in love with Fallou, he’s a hard-headed little punk; I only tell you the cute stories. Speaking of little brothers, I’ve got a new one! Muhammad Niang was born on 12 September, 2007. This may be the most official recording of the event.
In other news, I hit the one year mark last week! I had some starry-eyed new volunteers in town to ring in the occasion. It’s strange to think back on the early days of Moustapha Niang…For an abridged version, read this blog in its entirety.
Breaking the Color Barrier
I got on the field in the football stadium yesterday! It was a real game, and I had on a uniform and everything! You would have been so proud, Mom! The other kids snickered and called me mean names, but I told ‘em: ‘Hey! Don’t mess with me! I can play football just like you guys!’ And I did. I felt like Jackie Robinson out there (Mr. Robinson is a hero, and I have nothing but respect. I just can’t resist making light of my goofy life.).
But my team lost, and unfortunately we’re done for the year, so that’s the end of that escapade. There’s always next year…Which reminds me- I hate to invoke the spirit, but everyone in Chicago knows where I’m going with this one.
The Cubs! Now fingers crossed, toes crossed, lord willing, in sha allah, etc. but is it possible, could it happen? I doubt this is the year, sorry Mom. But we sealed up the division!
Besides, what do I know; I ride camels around all day. Yesterday, I informed my host sister that baseball is in fact not the same sport as volleyball.